Pump Accessories

Choose genuine accessories to maximise your GARDENA pump's efficiency

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All-inclusive and ready to connect, the GARDENA Suction Unit is available in 3.5 and 7 metres.


Leading brand

Europe's favorite brand with over 11 million pumps sold. Source: GARDENA market research


Garden inspiration

Bluetooth Water Computer in the garden

10 golden rules for watering

Your plants need plenty of water, especially during summer. How do you water your plants correctly? Here are 10 useful tips for your water management.
Father and daughter on bench

10 tips for a low maintenance garden

Gardening does not have to be a chore. You can have a low maintenance garden that looks fantastic without having to spend all your free time taking care of it.

When bad weather affects the garden

What do you do if your garden is adversely affected by the weather? Sarah shows us how to tackle problematic severe weather conditions such as flooding, high winds, and frost, giving your garden the best chance of "weather the storm".